About Us
Who We Are
Magic Square Systems Limited established in 1991 as a bespoke software developer and we have continued providing solutions over the last 30 years. The passion to create magical products has never diminished, fuelled by the desire to incorporate the continuous evolution of technological advancements into everything we do. We combine business knowledge, product development prowess, communications expertise, database and web design skills to make websites work.
Our Services
What We Do
We are a group of people who are passionate about communications technology, product innovation and serving the global community. Our service provision is extensive and will ensure that the solution we provide will be fully supported from concept to continuous support for the lifetime of the project.
The Magic Square Solution
What It Means
Core Engine
MSS develop our own products rather than utilising proprietary systems so we can offer clients bespoke solutions.
We believe business systems should be integrated where possible to optimize performance.
MSS use secure local and wide area network platforms that are as secure as possible.
Social Media
MSS integrate our client's social media entities into their systems and applications.
All our interfaces utilise responsive design that is compatible with mobile and tablet devices.
MSS design dashboards to provide users with graphical interfaces of key performance indicators.
All solutions are provided with comprehensive support packages or Service Level Agreements.
MSS develop solutions that are compliant with all major search engines and offer search engine optimization.
We develop Mobile website, IOS and Android Apps and integrate our Apps with content management studios.
Our Projects
What We're Working On
Our clients keep us busy with new and interesting challenges and we are continually upgrading our product portfolio - much of which sits behind secure areas but see what we can share.
Proud to Develop Apps
We develop apps for both Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Management Systems
In 1991 when we established our company we developed bespoke database software applications for single users and local area networks which we naturally ported onto an online platform
Our first online business application was a Shopping Cart launched in 1996, all our own code - since then we have addressed almost all management and administration processes. We now focus on five key business areas:

Workflow Systems
As businesses have moved their management and administration processes online we have capitalised on the opportunity to include manual and automated decision making into our solutions

Power Search
Utilising the rich currency of data collected and vailable in disparate systems we have developed powerful search facilities that can integrated into any bespoke or proprietary system

Booking Systems
We have developed an extensive range of booking applications including event management and timetabling applications for a spectrum of academic and industrial sectors

A recent application now available provides a platform to register for employment, provide and collect references and submit timesheets
Our Commitment
What We Pledge
Our Concept
We will work with you to develop a product specification that addresses the project concept completely from unique perspectives.
Neat Design
We'll strive to design and develop a solution that addresses every aspect of the specification completely using our innovative approach.
The Roll Out
We will endeavour to implement our solution into your business causing the least disruption and will evidence a visible return on investment.
Total Support
We will engage with you from the first contact to ensure that you know you are supported throughout all stages of the project and onwards.